Women For Women International

About this Partner

Women for Women International— Rwanda

Since 1997, Women for Women International has developed a program that offers Rwandan women a constructive, dignified way to regain control of their lives. Through their foundational training they’ve reached more than 77,000 women— helping them learn and defend their fundamental rights, influence decisions at home and in their communities, initiate activities that generate income, and save money for the future, contributing to economic self-sufficiency in their lives and for their families.

SageView Foundation Partnership

In August of 2017, Women for Women initiated an 18 month program in the area surrounding Sunripe Farm.  We are so grateful that the 76 women who have received homes through SVF will be participating and that the daily laborers on the farm will also be joining in.  It was also important to us to fund an optional  program for educating husbands, leaders and pastors so that they could be ambassadors in the communities

In October of 2018, a second round of training began for the women who live in the area surrounding the farm.  We have been able to develop a unique concept where we are mentoring the women who are focused on agricultural as they receive training at the farm.  We have been able to develop an outgrowers model where we help them get their produce to market and therefore increase their profit.

As we head into the next decade we look forward to continuing to develop our partnership with WFWI to be able to bring sustainability and hope to those who live in the area surrounding our farm.


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